Ms. Cloris Pan Head of GHS team Chemical Inspection& Registration Service Limited, China |
Dr. Denese A. Deeds
Past-President of SCHC
Industrial Health & Safety Consultants, Inc.
Dr. Montira Sriyai
Dr. Knoell Consult Thai Co., Ltd.
Mr. Chen Jinhe
National Registration Center for Chemicals (NRCC), State Administration of Work Safety (SAWS), China
Mr. Liu feng
Department of Inspection Supervision, Shanghai CIQ, China
Mr. Nick Zovko
Plastics and Chemicals Industries Association, Australia
Ms. Sun Jinye
Division of Chemical Management, Solid Waste and Chemicals Management Center, MEP, China
Mr. Liu Xiaojian
Review and Registration Division, Solid Waste and Chemicals Management Center, MEP, China

Mr. Taro Ishikawa
Japan Environmental Management Association for Industry (JEMAI), Japan
Mr. Masanori Imamura
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Japan
Korea Petrochemical
Industry Association (KPIA) |
Mr. Jeankyoung TAK
Korea Testing & Research Institute(KTR)

Mr. Jefferson Shih
DG Specialty Inc |
Mr. Jiang Wei
Director of Inspection Center of Industrial Products & Raw Material, Shanghai CIQ
Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan |
* Seminar on Testing Methods and Risk Assessment of China New Chemical Substance Notification

Dr. Prof. Cheng Shujun Director of Toxicology Department of National Food Safety Key Lab in Guangdong CIQ |
Mr. Wang Qiwei
Head of China New Chemical Substance Notification, CIRS
Ms. Shi Lili
Nanjing Research Center for Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Science, MEP, China